Sri Lanka's Best Kept Secret
He is elusive, it hard to know where is and even harder to track him, man by night and a conjurer by day. This is none other than the Bombi Mottai man. Now for you'll who do not know what a bombi mottai man is, he is the person who sells the local candy floss which is in strings and more coarse than the normal candy floss. He doesn't have a shop or anything and you will know where he is when you hear the ringing of his bell as trudges along the road with the tall basket in hand containing the sugary goodies.He often serves it on a thin paper like material which is completely edible called nice (as seen below) which I normally eat like a hamburger with the bombi mottai in the middle serving as the patty. You may think why would there even be a difference between candy floss and bombi mottai the simple answer, it is far better and much awesome and somehow it does not melt as fast as regular candy floss. Bombi mottai is truly every child best dream,and the...