Lord of the rings

Since it's the vacation I started reading the Lord of The Rings books, while i do find it very interesting and fascinating, there are times when it seems to a bit of a bore.
It is a very good piece of literature but often I find that it goes into very long description, which often spans to a couple of pages.
But then again, I suppose that this is true of all the very successful literature, i mean take a look at the Harry Potter series. Even in Harry Potter the books do tend to go into lengthy description which initially, is very interesting but then after sometime it tends to get very boring.

Authors should most probably realize that there are readers who don't like lengthy description of anything. Though however, there are people who would find it quite delightful to have that  lengthy description because it adds to the ambiance of the book.

Personally however, I don't want anything to have long descriptions because it tends to get boring very fast.


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