
Showing posts from December, 2013

Just a Moment

Life is made of moments, tiny moments that happens, most of the time, by chance. A moment is all that it takes for something to happen, our very existence boils down just to a few moments which has happened by chance. Just think about it, if not for the coincidence of a big bang this world would not have been created in fact this whole universe would not have been created. If not for the coincidence of the fact that earth is at a convenient location which enable it to have life, there would be nothing around you. If not for the coincidence, a moment which favored evolution turning a single cell to unicellular animals that we are, we would not have come into existence, the whole of mankind would not exist. But more importantly, if not for the chance meeting for your parents, the fact that they met someway or another, you would not be alive today. Your existence today is because of a chance, because of a moment in time. We have developed this fallacy, an illusion that we have cont...

Life of a Final year Law Student

The past month has been hectic to say the least - from reading through articles, to meeting deadelines one often forget to live. Within the past two week I had 2 submissions, one which I finished within the last week of November, the other which I finished only a day before the submission. Now when I started law school my lecturers always used to tell us to finish any assignment at least 2 weeks before submissions, so that we have time to go through it, edit and what not. But how is this possible when we haven't covered the subject matter or the reading through articles which are 30 pages per article? But there is no time to give up or spend time idly, it was crunch time and so I spent most of my days stuck in my room trying to get through the mammoth size reading list before me. By some miracle I manged to read what I wanted to and still live. So when I submitted my first submission there was no time to even give a sigh of relief. Oh no, I had to prepare for the next subm...