Just a Moment

Life is made of moments, tiny moments that happens, most of the time, by chance.
A moment is all that it takes for something to happen, our very existence boils down just to a few moments which has happened by chance.

Just think about it, if not for the coincidence of a big bang this world would not have been created in fact this whole universe would not have been created. If not for the coincidence of the fact that earth is at a convenient location which enable it to have life, there would be nothing around you. If not for the coincidence, a moment which favored evolution turning a single cell to unicellular animals that we are, we would not have come into existence, the whole of mankind would not exist.

But more importantly, if not for the chance meeting for your parents, the fact that they met someway or another, you would not be alive today. Your existence today is because of a chance, because of a moment in time.

We have developed this fallacy, an illusion that we have control over things, we try to exert out will over this world in hopes of controlling it, but we forget one crucial, minute detail. It is that we are not and we will never be in control of anything. Much like a raindrop in an ocean, we are insignificant.

Just like a moment that took to create us, it only takes a moment to destroy us.
We might want to plan our lives to the very smallest of details but the fact remains that we are at the mercy of time. All that it takes is a little moment in time to completely disassemble the plan that we spend so much effort to make.

It's funny to think that everything that has happened, has happened quite by coincidence. It humbles you to know that we are in fact just a minor detail in the bigger picture, just a brush stroke. Our problems, our lives, amount of time to spend working so hard to achieve something in life means absolutely nothing in comparison. We live only for a moment in time, just for a fraction and sadly even that time is wasted by trying to achieve the next promotion or the next high score in the exam.

So the next time you forget to live and I mean truly live, just take a moment to reflect how insignificant and small our lives are in this world.

We are but a drop in an massive ocean....


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