Just When You Think You Have It Bad

Embarking on doing an internship right after the graduation seemed like an excellent idea, I figured that by the end of the day I would be exhausted from working the usual hours from 8-5. I even figured that I was probably going to hate working just from the sheer exhaustion I was going to experience.

Two days into the job and I am happy to say that I was wrong. While people around me seems to be running around making important documents, getting them signed and the routine office chaos, here I am, just starring up at the ceiling admiring it's well thought designs.

Yes this is perhaps the ideal way to work where you get paid even though you do not work.

It is perfect except for the occasional hunger pangs that I seem to experience. Literally doing nothing can really work up a guy's appetite, but at least they serve tea to counter the effect, so it really is not that bad.

I do however feel bad for the people around me since they seem to be working really hard to achieve deadlines that seems to me to be impossible but hey, I'm not an expert. I mean what do I really know about the working people having just joined it myself?

Let's just hope that this happy bubble does not pop. However, I do have the feeling that it is going to very soon. But I will deal with it when it is time. The plot thickens because it the weekend starting tommorrow.

Yep, life is certainly good.

Anyway got to run, my tea is here.


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