Dear 2018

Dear 2018,

I thought I will write to you since it is the dawn of the new year and to thank you for a few things. You have been good to me and I have learned quite a few things and probably made me a little wiser.

I am thankful for being able to secure full time employment after what I can only describe as being a rather stressful period where I was constantly anxious. I was very close to calling quits and returning back home but I stuck it out and I am glad that I did.

I am thankful for learning to be comfortable in my own skin.This is a big one because I was always insecure and not the most confident when it comes socialising in big groups. Although I wouldn't say that I am yet fully comfortable in my own skin, I can say that I am able to hang out with people without constantly feeling awkward.

I am thankful for the different people that I have met this year, some have become really good friends in unexpected ways, and others I have lost in touch with but I am grateful for having them in my life - even if it is for a short period of time.

I am thankful for learning to be okay with being on my own. I used to crave the company of people, despite being a bit of an introvert. But recently I am content with being able to enjoy my own company which is probably one of the hard things to learn in life.

I am thankful for being able to learn my skills and strengths. Having not really known what they were I felt like you have helped me realise what those might be.

I am thankful for all the lessons learned - both in my professional life and personal life. Professionally it has been a massive year first being an intern, then full time job, then going through what I can only describe as hell for a period of time and realising I need to move on to another role despite there being a lot of uncertainty. This year has definitely improved my resilience and I have learned to roll with the punches instead of getting stressed with every single issue that comes up.

I am thankful for the finally starting the gym! After quite a bit of procrastination I am glad that I have finally started and for continuing with it (unlike the last time that I tried going to the gym). Yay me!!

I am thankful for being able to go on a few adventure and to do a bit of travelling which I quite missed out on in 2017.

2018 you have been good to me! 2019 certainly has big boots to fill, I want to achieve a few things over the next 12 months.

  • Travel one overseas trip and 3 local trips in New Zealand 
  • Continue to horn my skills and find out what I am good at 
  • Get a car to achieve the first point! 
  • Become more comfortable with myself 
Bring on 2019! 


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