
Here in this tiny country another festival has dawned, with lights lighting up the streets and the country blooming into a spring of colors.
To those who are wondering what is Wesak right now, here is a little introduction to it, it's the day that the Lord Buddha was born, attained enlightenment and died. Somewhat similar to Christmas in that aspect, anyway we celebrate this day and it's normally a public holiday and they also have an extra day of public holiday being the day after wesak.
So during these days there is a lot of traditions a few of them involve setting up pandals and lanterns.
In my family it is somewhat of a tradition to make lantern and decorate it which is a pretty rewarding experience but at the same time a bit tiring.
When the day of wesak draws closer we get our old string of firelight and bulbs and what not and set up lanterns, during this time of the year almost every house has a lanterns. There are also lantern competitions which are put out to display, and it's these huge, breath taking lanterns of different kinds some in form of lotuses or more extravagantly like elephants.
Pandols which are installed are also pretty amazing because they have all these different lightnings which is absolutely amazing. Each of these pandols illustrate a Jakata Kathwa this is where a story of Buddha's past lives or other stories which always has a moral to it. Generally pandols are seen a lot in colombo in almost all major towns. 
One of the biggest perks of having Wesak is that you can go visiting dansals, these are where free foods and drinks are served for free. These foods can range from Rice to Drinks to ice creams or sometimes even soups, the types of foods are not restricted these however. The whole point of dansals is to give back to the community and to help those who are poor.
The down part about wesak is that it tends to cause a build up of traffic specially in colombo but it is undoubtedly one of the finer things in life. At the end of the day you are properly fed and filled with so much drinks that you would be a diabetic already.
There is never short of dansals and you could expect to find one every few meters or so.
For those of you planning to visit Sri Lanka, you'll should visit in the month of May for it would be one hell of an experience and is something you definitely don't want to miss out on. Sometimes it's once in a lifetime experience. 






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