Higher Education

It is something that you hear all the time: the rise in the cost of higher education. We gasp in horror when we see how much an undergraduate degree costs, let alone a postgraduate one. But there is a steady rise each year in the number of graduates who enter the workforce, especially with the more affordable options such as transfer programs or even affiliated institutes with recognized universities.
But the question still remains: does it reflect the job market??

I'm no expert in economics. Hell, I wouldn't know the first thing about it but I do know this (in fact any idiot will understand it) that just cause you get a degree it does not garantee you a job. The simple reason is the fact that the number of graduates are increasing each year and those who are in older generations refuse to leave their jobs even though they are well past their retirement age. This in turn causes the food chain to be horded in one level or the other. See, the point is when someone retires another takes his place and so thus enabling a constant flow in the corporate hierarchy, enabling new graduates to enter the food chain.

Another point to be made is that while it is good to have graduates in any given society to elevate the society to a better position, there is still a down side. While everyone is scurrying to get a college education, there is no one left to do the vocational part of the industry. I don't know about other countries, but here in Sri Lanka there are ample degree holders however, assistants needed in any given industry does not reflect the graduates. This often leads to the gap between the number of graduates to the number of vocational trainees.

Education is great, it should be provided to all, in my opinion, to everyone free of charge but we should be vigilent as to make sure that we give priority not only to the more prominent professions such as a lawyer, engineer, businessman --  but as well as vocational training that is in dire need of.


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