What the Future Holds

The future is a very scary place to imagine, with the increase in demands for raw materials which outweighs the supply rate we are in an inevitable collision course to our own sealed destruction.

This Article provides a very real projection of what will happen within the next 2-4 decades, supported by the factual data present today, with the eventual climate change, which takes a severe turn to the worst, to the overpopulation and deforestation of the remaining forest cover in the world.

It has been a prediction since the beginning of the 21st century that the current life style of the world cannot be sustained for the prolonged future. With the advancement of technology, international politics of the world the crime rate, pollution, overpopulation is a resultant effect with the years to come. There is no doubt that by the mid 21st century more than half of the world's population would be middle income and with the elevation of the status the more money people will have to spend, and with spending there increases the demand for commodities which in turn is going to be hard to find since there is only a finite amount of resources. In a bid to find more resources the world will finance more extravagant and expensive methods of extracting it from the earth, and in the process we will ensure we destroy the environment, be it on land or the ocean. We will see an unprecedented number of species and plants go into extinction be it on land or water.

There will be an unprecedented amount of social unrest as common commodities such as food and drinkable water run short leading to civil wars and countries going into war in order to provide its citizenry the much needed raw materials demanded.

The world now is definitely not be the world we live in a few years time, expect more war, more discontent, more famine. We have sealed our faith. However the silver lining is that the next 2-5 years are going to be pivitol, the very future of our existence depends on the decisions taken in the next few years. Unless countries come together to find a commons ground, find solutions rather than problems I believe that we can avoid the catastrophe that we otherwise might invariably cause.

However, sadly at the current rate of things I highly doubt anything will change.


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