
Showing posts from January, 2013

A recently watched video

So there was a video posted on facebook and it showed videos how (according to the video) cows were being slaughtered in conformity of halal in comparison to the British traditional way of slaughtering(bullet through the brain), basically it showed how these animal's throat was cut open and how the cow was trying to struggle and moo but to no avail. The video stated that this was in the halal way and was basically insulting Islam. The comments section had a lot of people saying it was wrong and  some of the following being the comments; " Elizabeth you idiot this has nothing to do with meat eaters its to do with a backward group of beasts following barbaric teachings" and   " Paul, anyone who tries to put this on anyone who eats meat IS an idiot, you and her included. Its the people who support halal who are the problem." not only is it racist but it's also a bit ironic because whatever said and done, no matter what way you slaughter the ultimat...

You might not want to read this if you're a very religious person

So recently I met up with some friends and one of them came out and said that he is a bisexual. Thereafter, we got into the topic of religion and being gay. I just don't get why so many people are against LGBT's, it kind of comes off  very vain. No offense to those who are christens but doesn't the bible say that man was created in the image of god (i might be wrong since I'm an atheist) and if god really did create man in his image then doesn't that mean god really can't blame it on people, because after all, technically he did create people.  And if people are  the ones who are committing these so called crimes and sins it eventually gods work isn't it? because if he can control the universe, then inadvertently he is controlling our actions and thus, if he is controlling our actions then that means that he is making people who are LGBTs who they are. It's not only Christianity other religions like Islam, Judism   condemns LGBTs . I think part of th...

In the middle of a supposed "Assignement"

So here we are, into 2013 and right about now everyone is scrambling to start/implement their new years resolution. In the meantime, here I am three days away from an assignment submission, listening to songs and contemplating the deeper meaning of life, while my assignment is wallowing away and I am nowhere close to finishing it. They honestly should consider removing tertiary education from the face of this earth, I mean how many people go into depression all because they did not get the grades they wanted or the fact that they couldn't get into a really good university. If you ask me, I think it's an infringement upon my human rights. Want to know why I think that? well, it is a form of mental trauma which has been intentionally inflicted on us, which inadvertently means that it's a form of mental torture. But unfortunately the current human right do not recognize mental trauma.........or at least i don't think so. But just imagine if it was recognized and having ...