In the middle of a supposed "Assignement"

So here we are, into 2013 and right about now everyone is scrambling to start/implement their new years resolution.
In the meantime, here I am three days away from an assignment submission, listening to songs and contemplating the deeper meaning of life, while my assignment is wallowing away and I am nowhere close to finishing it.
They honestly should consider removing tertiary education from the face of this earth, I mean how many people go into depression all because they did not get the grades they wanted or the fact that they couldn't get into a really good university.
If you ask me, I think it's an infringement upon my human rights. Want to know why I think that? well, it is a form of mental trauma which has been intentionally inflicted on us, which inadvertently means that it's a form of mental torture. But unfortunately the current human right do not recognize mental trauma.........or at least i don't think so.
But just imagine if it was recognized and having the pressure put on you to pass exams is recognized as an infringement upon human rights, imagine the number of court files which would be filed.
That would definetly be the day the world is going to end.
But sometimes it makes me wonder just how much pressure we get to succeed in life and quite frankly it's frustrating and annoying. The amount of pressure you get also varies geographically because trust me asians are being driven to succeed from their very young days.
Like anything else though it has it's pros and cons
the pros being
  • you are motivated to succeed no matter what
  • the more pressure sometimes, the better rate of success 
  • and that's about it I can think of pros 
the cons are
  • you go through an emotional hell 
  • you tend to miss out on the small things in life
  • sometimes, no social life
  • when you grow old you wonder where the years went, oh right trying to be a success 
 so yeah as I said there are pros and cons.


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