A recently watched video

So there was a video posted on facebook and it showed videos how (according to the video) cows were being slaughtered in conformity of halal in comparison to the British traditional way of slaughtering(bullet through the brain), basically it showed how these animal's throat was cut open and how the cow was trying to struggle and moo but to no avail. The video stated that this was in the halal way and was basically insulting Islam. The comments section had a lot of people saying it was wrong and  some of the following being the comments;
" Elizabeth you idiot this has nothing to do with meat eaters its to do with a backward group of beasts following barbaric teachings"

" Paul, anyone who tries to put this on anyone who eats meat IS an idiot, you and her included. Its the people who support halal who are the problem."

not only is it racist but it's also a bit ironic because whatever said and done, no matter what way you slaughter the ultimate result is that you end up killing an innocent animal. True some methods of slaughtering is more painful to the animal than others but what people fail to realize is that the end result is the same.  Besides you cannot blame people for slaughtering because inevitably it is us who are creating the demand for beef and higher the demand higher the number of killings. We indirectly contribute to the death of the innocent animal. 
Further more, if I am not mistaken, Islam states that if there is slaughtering then, the animal's jugular vein is to be cut in order for it to be halal   (for those of you who are unaware what this is, it is a vein in the neck which if cut, gives an instantaneous death with blooding bleeding out really fast) thus, ensuring that there very little suffering for the animal. 
But no matter what religion,race or the method by which you slaughter, the end result is that you are taking away the life of a defenseless animal and that my friends is the ultimate truth. People who think that just because they eat meat and do not slaughter does not mean that they are not responsible for the death because you are dead wrong my friend. 
So think about it for a minute, and if you do eat meat, then I do believe that you have no right to criticize on other methods of slaughtering specially of another religion's methods of slaughtering.  

for those wishing to see the video the link is provided below, thoughI should warn to those people who are squeamish or cannot tolerate watching such graphic videos, it is best such people do not watch it; 


I think it's at this point that I should provide a disclaimer 




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