You might not want to read this if you're a very religious person

So recently I met up with some friends and one of them came out and said that he is a bisexual.
Thereafter, we got into the topic of religion and being gay.
I just don't get why so many people are against LGBT's, it kind of comes off  very vain.

No offense to those who are christens but doesn't the bible say that man was created in the image of god (i might be wrong since I'm an atheist) and if god really did create man in his image then doesn't that mean god really can't blame it on people, because after all, technically he did create people.  And if people are  the ones who are committing these so called crimes and sins it eventually gods work isn't it? because if he can control the universe, then inadvertently he is controlling our actions and thus, if he is controlling our actions then that means that he is making people who are LGBTs who they are. It's not only Christianity other religions like Islam, Judism   condemns LGBTs .
I think part of the reason why there is so much hatred towards LGBTs is the fact that religion always dictates what an ideal person should be. Most religions in the world condemns LGBTs and it is really sad because we are all the same and there really is nothing separating us except for religion.
The other part of the reason is because we are scared of anyone or anything different from us, it's like a trait in us that if there is something different from us we always feel threatened. Because of this very reason some of us don't even want to get to know LGBTs. It is quite redundant because they are not going to hurt you and not everything is about you.

But there is a change, what I've noticed between my parents generation and mine is that with each generation we learn to accept LGBTs, we learn to accept people who are different and it's good to know that things are changing.
Because all of us deserve to live equally and I do believe that diversity, different people is what makes this world so damn interesting because no matter where you go you'll never meet the same kind of person twice.

If I offended anyone, I don't see a reason for you to be offended because I'm just stating the truth and I can voice my own opinion.


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