Bonds Break
I hate to admit it but I'm a bit of a pessimist. I'm a pessimist when it comes to things which involve real life. I see all relationships in this world to be a bit superficial and having a expiration date. They maybe romantic in nature or just friendship but life so far has taught me that there is always a time when everything comes to an end. It maybe today, tomorrow, a week from now or even year from now but there is always a time when everything comes to an end. There are definitely friends that you come across in life who are friends who are timeless friends.Who you've known for a long time and who you will continue to know for years to come. These are the kind of friends who know you better than you know yourself and there are only a few handful of them in this world. Then there are friends who are in disguised as friends but are actually your enemies. Who are plotting and scheming you're very downfall. Then are the type of friends who were meant to be in ...